Saturday, 6 August 2016

7. Week 2 concern , boredom and kids on school holidays

Lucky my first week post -op coincided with 2 weeks of school holidays and my mum took the kids for the first week. No school lunches to make, no uniforms to be ironed or afternoon sport to be ferried to, however, you dont realise how much 'ducking about' you do with kids on school holidays, going to the skate park, movies or a trip to the beach to go fishing, when you cant drive or mobilise properly it makes it very 'boring' at home for kids for a week.
The bruising on my leg continued to shine and then decline, the pain had reduced considerably also but the swelling remains. I remained taking regular panadol anyway just to keep myself covered.
I developed a pain in my thigh which i woke with on day 10, it felt like a corked muscle as if i had strained it. I only noticed it when i did certain things so it didn't concern me greatly. I still had a lot of swelling in my foot and knee and was unable to feel a pulse, my foot was pink and warm so i wasn't concerned. I decided to ring and speak to the Drs nurse and told her of the above issues and was given reassurance that i had had extensive surgery and need to rest, ice, elevate and be patient with the healing process. I had an appt next week to see the Dr, so I continued on with my lounge chair gilmore girls back to back episodes and annoying people with my requests for coffee refills.
The intermittent thigh muscle pain lasted about 5 days.

Day 14                           Day 7
back of my knee           

Day 14                              Day 7
Inner side of my knee

At day 13 i was needing a little out of the house time so my mum took me in for a drive to the local coffee shop, I managed to manouvre into the car, crutches in tow. I was ready for real coffee.
Wearing the brace and crutches is a good indicator for people to steer clear and people are very helpful at offering to help. I managed to get up the curb guttering, i managed to fit my non bending leg under the table and OMG I enjoyed that coffee. It may have only been an hour out of the house but it was devine. I felt really proud i had accomplished an outing with no dramas.
As it was school holidays, I thought it would be a good idea to go to the movies, I was very uncomfortable in that chair after about 15 minutes and no position seemed right. It was a long 1 1/2 movie.
Both outings have given me a newfound appreciation for people who are permanently disabled. I have always taken for granted that i have been able to access anywhere i needed to go without assistance, I have never needed to look for disabled access to shops or buildings. It is always a longer way round for the disabled and there isn't always easy appropriate access. Whilst on crutches you are always thinking about the best and easiest way for you to get about.
In hindsight the movie wasn't the best idea but my kids had a ball and i owed them one for being so great this week at home not whinging about not being able to get out of the house themselves. Sometimes your mental health needs, need to be met also.

Back for my first post -op visit next week this should be interesting.
Liss xx

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